Yurii Savka
Senior Software Engineer
Software Engineer with fundamental education in Applied Math and Programming Theory, with more than 10 years of commercial experience and passionate about programming from school.
Mostly focused on Backend/Big Data stack with passion for ML, NLP and Data Mining.
Mostly focused on Web-Backend stack (PHP, Go, Scala), but open for
Senior Software Engineer in Berlin, Germany
Changing the world.
Senior Software Engineer in Berlin, Germany
Changing the world of science.
Rocket Internet SE
Senior Software Engineer in Berlin, Germany
Helping start-ups grow big and healthy using modern stack of technologies.
Berlingske Media
Senior Software Engineer in Kiev, Ukraine & Copenhagen, Denmark
Managing and adjusting ecosystem of 40+ sites, integrating subscription and payment systems.
Senior Web Developer, Technical Director in Kiev, Ukraine
Creating and managing site for French Goverment and private companies.
Industrial Media
Web Developer in Kiev, Ukraine
Stock-exchange related sites and systems.
Web Developer remote
Various sites and scripts, mostly for e-commerce and advertisement industry.
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Masters Degree
Applied Mathematics
EnglishFull professional proficiency
GermanBasic proficiency
FrenchElementary proficiency